62. VF to VF Bridge Tests

This test suite aims to validate the bridge function on physical functional for virtual functional to virtual functional communication. Cases of the suite based on the vm to vm test scenario, echo vm needs on vf, and both of the vfs generated from the same pf port.

62.1. Prerequisites:

On host:

  • Hugepages: at least 10 G hugepages, 6G(for vm on which run pktgen as stream source end) + 2G(for vm on which run testpmd as receive end) + 2G(for host used)
  • Guest: two img with os for kvm qemu
  • NIC: one pf port
  • pktgen-dpdk: copy $DTS/dep/tgen.tgz to guest from which send the stream

On Guest:

  • Stream Source end: scapy pcpay and essential tarballs for compile pktgen-dpdk tools

62.2. Set up basic virtual scenario:

Step 1: generate two vfs on the target pf port (i.e. 0000:85:00.0):

echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:85\:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Step 2: bind the two vfs to pci-stub:

echo "8086 10ed" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
echo 0000:85:10.0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:85:10.0/driver/unbind
echo 0000:85:10.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
echo 0000:85:10.2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:85:10.2/driver/unbind
echo 0000:85:10.2 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind

Step 3: passthrough vf 0 to vm0 and start vm0:

taskset -c 20,21,22,23 /usr/local/qemu-2.4.0/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-name vm0 -enable-kvm -chardev socket,path=/tmp/vm0_qga0.sock,server,nowait,id=vm0_qga0 \
-device virtio-serial -device virtserialport,chardev=vm0_qga0,name=org.qemu.guest_agent.0 \
-daemonize -monitor unix:/tmp/vm0_monitor.sock,server,nowait \
-net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:00:00:e2:4f:fb,addr=1f \
-net user,vlan=0,hostfwd=tcp: \
-device pci-assign,host=85:10.0,id=pt_0 -cpu host -smp 4 -m 6144 \
-object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=6144M,mem-path=/mnt/huge,share=on \
-numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -drive file=/home/img/vm0.img -vnc :4

Step 4: passthrough vf 1 to vm1 and start vm1:

taskset -c 30,31,32,33 /usr/local/qemu-2.4.0/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64  \
-name vm1 -enable-kvm -chardev socket,path=/tmp/vm1_qga0.sock,server,nowait,id=vm1_qga0 \
-device virtio-serial -device virtserialport,chardev=vm1_qga0,name=org.qemu.guest_agent.0 \
-daemonize -monitor unix:/tmp/vm1_monitor.sock,server,nowait \
-net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:00:00:7b:d5:cb,addr=1f \
-net user,vlan=0,hostfwd=tcp: \
-device pci-assign,host=85:10.2,id=pt_0 -cpu host -smp 4 -m 6144 \
-object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=6144M,mem-path=/mnt/huge,share=on \
-numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -drive file=/home/img/vm1.img -vnc :5

62.3. Test Case1: test_2vf_d2d_pktgen_stream

both vfs in the two vms using the dpdk driver, send stream from vf1 in vm1 by dpdk pktgen to vf in vm0, and verify the vf on vm0 can receive stream.

Step 1: run testpmd on vm0:

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/testpmd -c 0x7 -n 1  -- -i  --tx-offloads=0x8fff

Step 2: set rxonly and start on vm0:

set fwd rxonly

Step 3: copy pktgen-dpdk tarball to vm1:

scp tgen.tgz to vm1
tar xvf tgen.tgz

Step 4: generate pcap file on vm1:

Context: [Ether(dst="52:54:12:45:67:10", src="52:54:12:45:67:11")/IP()/Raw(load='X'\*46)]

Step 5: send stream by pkt-gen on vm1:

./app/app/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/pktgen -c 0xf -n 2 --proc-type auto -- -P -T -m '1.0' -s P:flow.pcap

Step 6: verify vf 0 receive status on vm0: Rx-packets equal to send packets count, 100:

show port stats 0
######################## NIC statistics for port 0  ########################
RX-packets: 100  RX-missed: 0          RX-bytes:  6000
RX-errors: 0
RX-nombuf:  0
TX-packets: 0          TX-errors: 0          TX-bytes:  0

62.4. Test Case2: test_2vf_d2k_pktgen_stream

Step 1: bind vf to kernel driver on vm0

Step 2: start up vf interface and using tcpdump to capture received packets

Step 3: copy pktgen-dpdk tarball to vm1:

scp tgen.tgz to vm1
tar xvf tgen.tgz

Step 4: generate pcap file on vm1:

Context: [Ether(dst="52:54:12:45:67:10", src="52:54:12:45:67:11")/IP()/Raw(load='X'\*46)]

Step 5: send stream by pkt-gen on vm1:

./app/app/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/pktgen -c 0xf -n 2 --proc-type auto -- -P -T -m '1.0' -s P:flow.pcap

Step 6: verify vf 0 receive status on vm0: Rx-packets equal to send packets count, 100

62.5. Test Case3: test_2vf_k2d_scapy_stream

Step 1: run testpmd on vm0:

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/testpmd -c 0x7 -n 1  -- -i  --tx-offloads=0x8fff

Step 2: set rxonly and start on vm0:

set fwd rxonly

Step 3: bind vf to kernel driver on vm0

Step 4: using scapy to send packets

Step 5:verify vf 0 receive status on vm0: Rx-packets equal to send packets count, 100:

show port stats 0
######################## NIC statistics for port 0  ########################
RX-packets: 100  RX-missed: 0          RX-bytes:  6000
RX-errors: 0
RX-nombuf:  0
TX-packets: 0          TX-errors: 0          TX-bytes:  0